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Shopping Vouchers in Chinese Lunar New Year

永和 AT3 學生 Bill


Since last year, the global economy has been getting worse. Many companies are cutting jobs to reduce their expenses. Now everyone worries to be left jobless with no income. People are starting to save their money, and not want to spend too much. This phenomenon has caused many stores to go bankrupt. In Taiwan , the economy is also bad. The government wants to save the economy, and is trying to figure out every possible way to rescue it.

The government carried out a policy of giving 3600 NT dollars shopping vouchers to every Taiwanese to stimulate the economy. The goal is to encourage people to spend money along with “FREE” vouchers.

Taiwan set the first example of providing shopping vouchers this year. Many countries want to learn our voucher method. Some are planning and some are observing. Taiwan government launched the policy on Jan.18. From the news on TV, I learned that some people donated their vouchers to orphanages and poor families. I personally thought it was a good thing to do. I also found out many families had used the vouchers on things for celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year.

On January 18 th , my father took me to collect the shopping vouchers. I saw many people lining up with big miles on their faces. It took us a long time to wait. After people in front of us got their vouches, it was finally my turn. I was so excited to have the vouchers. They are smaller NT paper money bills, and looked interesting. I could see that everyone was very excited when they got the vouchers.

Same day in the afternoon, my families had already used the vouchers to pay for the lunch, and then we went shopping. We almost spent all of the vouchers. I guess store owners were surely very happy.

Passing out shopping vouchers enclosed in beautiful red envelopes before Lunar New Year was a wonderful idea. The red envelope means good luck. If this policy could boost the economy like how it was expected to do, then I would suggest the government to do it again in the near future.

