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教學體系-USA Leader Program
  Bright vision Teaching Features School Enrollment Learning Environment

Teaching Features
USA Leader Program provides quality care and education!
Language Teaching
Our teachers are trained to take children through academic language learning from a thorough understanding of phonics to reading and writing skills. Teachers engage with the children in social interaction using only English, to encourage natural learning in context of the correct grammatical structures and forms of spoken English.

Social philosophy
Each child in attendance at a USA program school is respected and valued as a member of the school community. Thus they are encouraged to follow behavioral guidelines that enable them to show similar respect to others. Children are encouraged to become self-aware and to make positive decisions in their daily social interactions.

Varied curriculum
There is never a dull moment for students or teachers following the USALP curriculum. Lessons and activities are based around a weekly seasonal theme and cover all aspects of learning, from science to art and back again.

Extra-curricular activities
As well as our varied and stimulating curriculum, USALP offers students and teachers opportunities to develop and display their talents in different arenas. Teachers develop with students annual performances, sports days and Parent-Teacher evenings to enable an even fuller experience of the English language.