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The Advantages of Reading

As an English teacher I feel it is important for students to retain and practice their English skills they have spent so much time in developing. One of the best ways for any student to retain and practice English is to read, or even better, read aloud. There are a number of benefits to reading and it can be enjoyable too.
I am currently teaching P6 and have noticed that as students get older, especially those students in their last year of elementary school or attending junior/senior high school they have less time to learn English. The mounting homework and pressure at school makes it difficult for students to be able to spend much time on English or to learn it with enthusiasm. So how can students remain enthusiastic and continue practicing their English skills? Reading!
While reading, many skills are being used in unison such as vocabulary, spelling, grammar and comprehension skills. I believe it is more beneficial to read aloud as students can also practice phonics, speaking, fluency and intonation. With all these English skills being used at the same time, it helps to retain and reinforce all that they have learnt.
Books can be fun and interesting as long as they are at a level suitable for the readers. A book that is difficult to read and understand can leave a reader confused, and disinterested, while a book that is too simple will leave the readers feeling bored. This could lead to a disinterest and lack of enthusiasm for learning English.
In recent years, there have been more English books available in bookstores and on-line. There are English books of all kinds with differing levels of difficulty ranging from Adventure to Zoology. So the next time your children are bored watching T.V. at home, encourage them to immerse themselves in a good book.


永和校區 資深外師 Steve Robert Ansell
Edith Cowan University
