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Getting Educated to Get Ahead

‘Why do people learn?’ I was asked this question during the weekly directors’ meeting. The very next second the first thought popped up into my mind was ‘because if I didn’t pick up things quickly and accurately, I might get fired.’ Of course, I didn’t let the thought slip out, and later the room was filled with silence and an awkward atmosphere. However, the rest of the meeting members were still waiting for me to reveal something – something constructive and reasonable as well. I remained stilled at that time, and waited for the next question. Finally, there was – “Why do our kids learn?” So, that was it. The focus has turned to the right point: our students. I was excited and I started to ponder. What motives could stimulate the kids to learn?
To be exact, what may cause the kids to give up some playtime and take in more lessons, practice, and maybe written homework? Even adults do things for reasons, so do the adolescents. There has to be a reason. From readings, the conversation with colleagues and students, and my own experiences, I have made a rough assumption: ‘we learn because either we enjoy it or we are asked to.’
In schools, the most common reason for learning is that students have to get through the content in order to complete the course of education. However, I wonder if this type of learning is true learning, as opposed to just satisfying requirements. When a student is excited about the material and desperate to learn, there is a much deeper engagement with the content and, I believe, true learning can take place. When that desire is not present, when the content does not impress the learners, then learning itself becomes meaningless. About the adult learners, they can understand that no matter what they feel towards the material, they need to engage because of requirements and expectations, and so may benefit them in the future. Obviously, kids are not sufficiently mature. They wouldn’t put in efforts without motivation like stickers, treats, or small prizes. Kids choose what they prefer, such as nice teachers, interesting materials, and the exciting environment. They are motivated by awards and encouragement.
I once asked myself why I was being asked and questioned such the question. Fortunately, I could read others’ mind that we all expect our students are receiving and experiencing true learning over here. Kids nowadays are not like those in the past, they will not grow if we use the traditional methods or punishment. We need to set up reachable goals and encourage them when they reach each step. This way, they will improve faster than we can imagine.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. In Happy Marian, kids are educated with encouragement. Step by step, they gain knowledge, confidence, and happiness. Yes, we have so many outstanding graduates every year, and we are very proud of them.


大直校區 T.D.
Emi Yao
Douglas University College
