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Monkey See Monkey Do


We have all heard the popular saying “Monkey See Monkey Do.” This refers to the fact that a monkey will follow the behavior it sees from people or other monkeys. People are no different, especially children.? The behavior practices children see others do has a big impact on the behavior they learn and the habits they pick up.Teaching children the ‘right way’ from the beginning can greatly help them become a better student and a more responsible person.
As a teacher for more than 6 years, I have seen this more than ever.? Students I have taught, by the end of my teaching start to pick up some of my habits and ways.The same jokes and funny things I do in my class, they will start to think of similar jokes and funny things to do to be like me. This is an even bigger issue when it comes to parents and how a child learns from them. As a parent you must remember that your child is learning from your ways and habits, all the time. For my classes throughout the years, I can instantly tell which parents are too easy on their children and which parents really try to help their children grow up and learn how to be a ‘big kid’. Many parents think that making a child happy is the most important thing but actually this can be very harmful to a child’s learning and development.? Only making the child happy will not teach them proper behavior and a way of doing things.? They will learn that they can get anything they want and will find ways to get it such as crying, complaining, acting sick, or refusing to do something they don’t want to do.? This is very hard for a teacher to try and correct these behavior patterns. School is a place for social interaction and learning how to work with other people.? For a child who has always been given what they want, they expect school to be no different.They want their way and will do what it takes to get it, just like they have been taught at home.It is just as easy for someone to teach kids the right way to do something the first time since the child doesn’t know any other way.That’s why at Happy Marian, even though some of the information may be too hard for them at the time, at least I’m teaching them the right way of saying it instead of an easier incorrect way. I have heard other teachers teach the J1 level students “I’m number one, I’m number two” for finishing first and second. While this may be easier for the children to learn at first, it is incorrect and will be harder for the child to relearn later since they already know the incorrect way.
Children are smart and will learn by watching and listening. That is why it is important for them to learn the ‘right way’ the first time so they develop good habits for school and more importantly for life.So the next time you have children around and you think they will not learn something well, just remember “Monkey See, Monkey Do.”



Dom Fresina
Minquan Branch J2a Teacher

Texas A & M University
