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Maintaining A Balanced Leadership Style



As teachers we need to strive for a positive relationship with our students--one that has clear expectations, but is based on mutual respect, communication, and kindness. Just because we are in control and expect appropriate behavior, does not mean that we need to be cold or distant. Being friendly and having a good rapport with students can go a long way towards creating a positive classroom environment. Students cannot read our minds; we must effectively communicate our desires and expectations. However, this can be done in a friendly and respectful manner.

I continually strive to use a balanced approach to classroom management. This means setting limits and communicating expectations clearly, as well as following routines and procedures to create an orderly classroom environment. Organization is very important to maintain a productive classroom. Discipline is also a key component to this relationship. I expect rules to be followed and consequences are consistent when behavior is inappropriate.

I consider my leadership style to be student-centered, but I also recognize that students need guidelines to feel comfortable. Students require boundaries to feel at ease. I encourage my students to be responsible for their own actions and hold them accountable. Although maintaining order and productivity is vital, allowing students to be actively involved in the learning process is also a must! Students need some freedom and voice in the classroom in order to feel valued and motivated. Personal choice and group discussions are daily occurrences in a classroom which thrives on student involvement.

Communication is another key to this balance. Clear expectations must be explained and reinforced if you desire students to be able to discuss, move, and work about the classroom freely. The more specific directions and expectations are, the better students will understand and follow them!

Our role as a leader has much more importance that we sometimes realize in the overall classroom climate. As leaders, we must successfully guide, shape, teach, motivate, correct, direct, and encourage our students! It is my opinion that a balanced leadership style is one that will best help our students to learn. It provides both the teacher and the students with freedoms and clear boundaries that will help them work together in a positive manner.


內湖 外師

James Morrison / AP2&P3 / University of Sheffield 
