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The Transition from J3 to First Grade


Moving to elementary school is a very big step for any child. This is particularly true here in Taiwan where kindergarten and first grade are radically different. These differences can make children, understandably, anxious about what will happen. Just as we prepared our children for their first day of preschool, we need to start helping them transition into their first year of elementary school, during their last year of kindergarten.

We can do this in many ways, both academically and practically. The first major difference between first grade and kindergarten is the time at which they must start school. First graders must be at school by 7:50. This is often a huge hurdle to overcome as for many years many of them have been starting school at 9.  You can help smooth this transition by starting to put them to bed earlier and earlier until they are finally able to wake up by themselves at the appropriate time. If your child resists this change, do so gradually and offer rewards for going to sleep on time and waking by themselves. It’s important that they are not sleepy when they start school. Make sure that they have an ample time for the morning breakfast before they leave the house.                          

During the very first semester of the first grade, children are expected to be able to do many things independently. They will no longer have help to use the bathroom, change their clothes or eating their own food. They will be expected to be able to follow instructions, exercise self-control and most importantly be able to pay attention. They need to have developed these basic skills during their time at J3. You need to realize that it is going to be a difficult time for some children, and it is better to be upbeat and encouraging rather than dismissive of how they are feeling. When they don’t want to go to school, try to find out why and what aspects they need to work on and work with them on this.

Academically, it helps by reading to them every day for at least 20 mins. This has been shown to significantly help with reading and writing skills. It also helps if they can tell the story back to you or answer simple questions based on the story. You can also help them develop their basic counting skills by allowing them to pay for simple things when you go shopping. This will give them confidence with basic arithmetic and coin recognition. It also improves their social interaction and speaking skill set.

Your children will have a big advantage when going into the English class as most of them will be able to read and write already. This confidence will certainly transfer to other subjects which they are less comfortable in.

You must try to always be as positive as you can with your children, and be interested in the things that they have done at school. School life should be more than just academics; it should be a fun and social place where children learn to be responsible and kind citizens. After all we are raising children that will grow and become adults.


J3 外師 Paula Jay Perry

Ph.D., University of Nottingham
